Wireless Connectivity


As operators across America pursue network expansion, they need the right infrastructure in the right places and expert insights to position them for success. Partner with us to develop a network that works for your customers and your bottom line.

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Our Role in Broadband

Many areas across the country do not have, or have limited, access to wired broadband services. As broadband providers look to expand service to new areas and grow their rural or suburban customer base, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is a reliable alternative, offering competitive speeds, lower deployment costs, and faster time to market.

Developing a network can seem overwhelming. Fixed wireless deployments often require tall structures to meet propagation needs, as well as direct line of sight. A trusted partner like American Tower can take time, cost, and complexity out of the infrastructure research process, and help you make more informed decisions to support your growth. 

broadband industry

Featured Customer: Watch Communications

Government funding is fueling network service deployment to rural homes and businesses across America, but many operators lack the time, expertise, and resources to develop deployment plans that meet funding obligations and deadlines. With the right partner, operators can make informed network expansion decisions, while delivering on time and on budget.

Read Our Customer Case Study

Cell towers on mountain peak with scenic valley view.

Watch Communication’s Challenges

Watch Communications, a Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP), secured government funding to extend coverage to thousands of homes and businesses across three states. To develop a plan that would meet funding obligations and build-out deadlines, they needed FWA expansion options that would meet customer needs, while minimizing administrative burden and cost. We were there to help.

Hear From Our Customer

"We have a great relationship working with American Tower and as we’re expanding our network, it was natural to consider them, especially since they have hundreds of towers to select from in the right locations and heights that fit our needs."

Our Offerings for Watch Communications

A cell phone tower with mountains in the background.

The Right Infrastructure

Working with American Tower allowed Watch Communications to select from hundreds of towers in areas within their funding parameters and at heights with propagation advantages to reach more customers. Over 80 percent of American Tower’s rural and suburban towers meet or exceed 150 feet in height and approximately 70 percent have fiber on or near net.1

1 Based on American Tower methodology leveraging U.S. Census population data.

Three people in hard hats examining a blueprint, discussing plans for a construction project.

Support Services

Due to the richness of the data provided, Watch Communications was able to make the most informed decision and maximize their customer reach. For select sites, American Tower also provided Architectural and Engineering (A&E), zoning, and permitting services, which Watch Communications leveraged to minimize their administrative burden.

Business team collaborating on a project at a table.


American Tower offers operators flexibility that Watch Communications found valuable, including tailored pricing to ensure economies of scale for the network expansion project. Personalized service offerings and streamlined processes empower smaller players to succeed.

Take the Next Step With American Tower
