Investor FAQs

No, American Tower does not process these transactions directly. Any purchase or sale of American Tower Common Stock must be made through the open market, by working with a broker of your choice, trading through an online platform, such as E-Trade, or other similar means.

No, American Tower does not currently offer a Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

Past distribution tax treatment is included in the following press releases:

Press Release: 2020 Distributions

Press Release: 2021 Distributions

Press Release: 2022 Distributions

Press Release: 2023 Distributions

We intend to make similar disclosures regarding distributions in subsequent years available on our website.

The classification of our distributions will determine which tax forms you will receive. Information on previous distributions is included in the following press releases:

Press Release: 2020 Distributions

Press Release: 2021 Distributions

Press Release: 2022 Distributions

Press Release: 2023 Distributions

For all questions regarding stock certificates, please contact our transfer agent:


P.O. Box 43006

Providence, RI 02940



Information about our operations, business model and key industry trends is available in the following presentation:

Introduction to the Tower Industry & American Tower

Overviews of each of our international markets are available in the following presentation:

American Tower International Market Overview